Wednesday, 17 August 2011

On your marks, get set ... go

Where to start on a first blog about fitness and health for the over-40s?

Well, how about with your current physical state? If you're like most Australian adults, you're overweight.

The Vicorian Government's Better Health Channel estimates "only around one in 10 Australians over the age of 50 exercises enough to gain any cardiovascular benefit".

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare stated that in a report, Key indicators of progress for chronic disease and associated determinants: data report that "over 60% of Australian adults are now overweight or obese" (20 June, 2011).

And that's what concerns me, as it should you.

If you're like many people over 40, you've probably been busy raising a family, developing a career, leaving little time for your health.

If that's the case, you need to rediscover those muscles still lurking beneath many seasons of inactivity. Find that heartbeat that used to propel you around the oval.

Physical activity (exercise) can help you immensely. You'll recover from illness and reduce your risk of disease. Muscle mass and bone strength can be improved with regular exercise. Walking, swimming, and cycling are all good forms of exercise - an sociable. Weight training is also extremely useful.

By exercising you can make great gains in achieving a new work/health balance. Your fitness and your mental state will both benefit from a structured and varied program.

See you out there. And remember: "it's your turn".

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